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3 SUN | May Crowning of the Blessed Mother (in the Grotto) following 10:30 Mass |
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6 WED | Meditation Meeting at 6:30 pm in the Fr. Gorman Hall (behind the rectory) |
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11 MON | Sacred Harp Singing School in Parish Hall: Mon-Fri, 6:00 – 8:30 pm. See bulletin and flyer posted on church bulletin board. |
12 TUES | Sacred Harp Singing School in Parish Hall: Mon-Fri, 6:00 – 8:30 pm. |
13 WED | Sacred Harp Singing School in Parish Hall: Mon-Fri, 6:00 – 8:30 pm. |
14 THUR | Sacred Harp Singing School in Parish Hall: Mon-Fri, 6:00 – 8:30 pm. Taize Prayer Service at 7:00 pm at St. Mary of the Snow Parish in Saugerties |
15 FRI | Sacred Harp Singing School in Parish Hall: Mon-Fri, 6:00 – 8:30 pm. |
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17 SUN. | Youth Faith Formation in Parish Hall after 9:00 am Mass Coffee Klatch in front of the Church after the 9:00 am and 10:30 am Masses |
18 MON | Novena to Our Lady of La Salette: Monday, May 18th following the 8:00 am Mass. |
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31 SUN | Adult Faith Formation in Rectory after the 9:00 am Mass Children’s Faith Formation in the Parish Hall after the 9:00 Mass