The following people have made donations
for the memorial bench (and if enough funds are generated, scholarship).
We are still collecting donations, so if you'd like to participate,
make out a check to: Jack Murphy, and print MannyFest in
the memo area of your check.
Send to:
Jack Murphy
3 Harrington Street
New Paltz, NY 12561
Manny's Daughters;
Rachelle, Sandy, Marilyn, and their families. |
Rachelle Harmer's Co-workers
Chris Lawrence
Steven Kolpan
Sally Schultz and Tom Stratton
Jack and Suzanne Murphy
Mikki Shaw
Pamela Robbins
Denise and Joe Giardullo
Bill and Marlene Hines
Natalie Minewski
Beverly Wallace
Eileen Hall and Mike Wood
Frances Platt
Henry Cavanagh and Laura Wilensky
Mikhail Horowitz
Sam Slotnick
Joan Melnick
Roz Zarr
Laurey Lebenson
Bob Crimi
Barbara Hansen
Francine Rubin-Xavier
Pascal and Ronnie Knapp
Paul Dropkin
Rob Minervini
Ron and Margie Simon
Judith Drake
Larry Audette
Billy Katz
Frank Wright
Jack Acree and Dina White
Don Abrams
Ricki Arno
Wade and Maria Thompson
Michael Projansky
Theo (Teddi) Pappas
Russell Eisman
John and Aletta Vett
Thanks to the following people for assisting me with the many
of planning, organizing and actually pulling off MannyFest 2.
Henry Cavanagh
Gene Cotton
Tom and Marilyn Golgoski
Rachelle Harmer
Tom and Mary Kastner
Pascal and Ronnie Knapp
Denis Minervini
Dave Murphy
Susan Stessin
Maira Wallace
Emilio Gironda, Attorney at Law
Anyone I've Forgotten
and everyone who brought food!
Thanks to the following businesses for their donations to this event.
Pascal and Ronnie Knapp
Sculpture in Stone and Steel
For all their work on the bench; cutting, carving and installing!
Eric and Karen Lawson
Simply Stone, Inc.
For getting the stone for the bench and helping install it!
Emilio Gironda
158 N. Plank Road
For legal assistance for MannyFest!
Joe Valenti
Joe's East-West
254 Main Street
New Paltz
For allowing us the use of his club for MannyFest!
Bob Freeston
Canal Press
451 Main Street
For printing the invitations!
James Stanmyer and Greg Brandow
Hudson Valley Internet
211 Main Street
New Paltz
For hosting this website and providing email service!